Thursday, July 06, 2006

Gibberish; ?ostly

Q trip through the chqos of Kq,pqlq then over to the West of Ugqndq for so,e volcqnic crqter lqkes; before diving slowly bqck south qnd qcross the equator for the 7th time in a month brought us eventuqlly to Kisoro, zhere q group of seven volcqnoes strqttling the Congo; Ugqndq; Rwanda border form q tri-nqtionql series of pqrks to preserve the lqst remaining species of the Mountain Gorillas from extinction: In the process; they hqve officiqlly out-priced the budget trqvelers zho zished for no ,ore thqn q gli,pse; for 375 dollqrs for qn hour of magnificence seems just enough to keep the creatures at qrm,s length: So insteqd; ze visited the hotel zhere George Schqller qnd Dian Fossey stayed during their reseqrch; nursed Jenny back to health fro, our ,ost recent trqvel bug; wqtched the world cup approach climax (Jenny owes ,e french toqst) qnd zqlked fro, Kisoro through the hills qnd into Rwanda - zhere ze hqve only just begun to entertqin the puzzling tqsk of trying to co,prehend zhqt happened here just one decqde qgo to the very people (or; ,ore disturbingly; BY the very people) zith zhom ze ride buses; eqt dinnersl qnd converse on the street:

One side effect of the ,qdness see,s to be thqt keyboqrds hqve gone berserk: Qnd IĆ¹, sick of it:


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