Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Paragraph #1

Andy roamed through Boulder this week, fresh off of his launch into high-altitude photography.  Naturally (I guess) I become overwhelmed with thoughts about how green the grass is on just the other side.  I imagine how exceptional a life might be when its based on paychecks for exploration in faraway locales, practicing a creative artistic craft.  But I catch myself rationally, if not emotionally, and remember that every dream job has its nightmares - whether endless travel or monotonous movement or impossibility of balance between family and adventure.  Creativity can be found right here, too - and it needn't be found at a place of employ.  It does demand discipline, though, lest time slip entirely away to worldly pursuits.  And time does slip.  Huge projects I always delay.  My proximal goal is hereby launched: to put a paragraph a day, and no more, upon this page.  We'll see if my discipline can survive a bit longer than that doomed photo experiment.


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